Friday 11 November 2011

Review: A Conspiracy of Kings

A Conspiracy of Kings
A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"A Conspiracy of Kings" (Thief 4) by Megan Whelan Turner is how this book ends, but results more from long-range planning by their god(esse)s. I like the basic plot best of the series - reluctant poetry reader kidnapped, chooses to grow up and accept responsibility. "Sounis knew that sometimes his mind worked like a pig stuck in mud, but at other times, conclusions seemed to strike like lightning, one bolt after another." Despite shifting point of view, action, fights, escapes, propel the reader along.
At first unclear who is narrating, to whom addressing. Speaker Sophos reminisces, distractingly, about book 1 quest, as Sounis mage apprentice, befriending thief-now-king Gen. The Sounisians agree Gen was hiding his true self beneath whining complaints. Since Gen narrated, I am skeptical and do not want to have to re-read to verify. When the next section shifts perspective to third person, we realize to whom the first part is reporting. Less confusing to read than explain, so I won't count the hint as spoiler.

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